مدارس الفرسان العالمية | Al Forsan International Schools
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Build Self Worth in Your Children

Mr. Abdulhameed Elsayd

First: Types of child abuse:

1. Neglect of children: permanent or uninterrupted or deficient in the protection of any risk that may be subjected to the types of neglect and deprivation of necessities and neglect of medical, educational and emotional and often this type of parents of the child, which leads to damage.

2. Physical abuse: a deliberate physical neglect, such as taking medication or food, or causing physical harm such as beatings, punching, shaking, strangulation, attachment, sexual harassment, cutting, burning, repression or physical deprivation.

3. Psychological abuse: It is the use of the child's psychological pain, such as ridicule, ostracism, neglect, threats or intimidation, or to direct abusive words or distinctions between him and his brothers or between him and his colleagues and deprive him of love, affection or affection or force him to do unrealistic things.

4.Sexual abuse: the actual or potential sexual exploitation of the child and means any forced contact or manipulation of a large person of a young child or any form of sexual harassment. Video illustration of Dr. / Salah Al-Rashed under the title (Child abuse)

Second: Manifestations of child abuse: Some children may experience hunger, bad appearance, weight loss, dehydration, persistent tiredness, loss of vitality or activity, or any effects of beating, punching, kicking, electric wire, belt, headband, burns from cigarette butts, With a rope on the hands, legs or neck, on the upper part of the child's body, fractures in the bones of the head or nose, or a deliberate disfigurement of the ear or facial bones or any part of the body or any cuts or loss of head hair due to tension, Difficulties arise during the child walking or sitting or contamination of his underwear with blood Or the presence of any itching in the genital areas or swelling or for the large number of unexpected access to the water cycle or through some psychological symptoms such as finger sucking or biting or some psychological disorders such as the desire to break what is in his hand or isolated from his colleagues and brothers or Sleep disorders, fear of play, hysteria, illness, anxiety and whispers of all kinds.

Third: Sources of child abuse: Child abuse may occur from parents, older siblings, domestic workers, teachers, older colleagues, friends, and others. Parents or guardians may be harmed by their children in order to punish them and cause harm to them.

Fourth: Ways to prevent child abuse:

(Preventive side):

1. Distribution of leaflets for all teachers to inform them of the characteristics and demands of growth in different stages and the needs of children psychological and educational according to their age groups, which helps them to interpret behavior and positive interaction with students.

2. Improve the role of day-to-day supervision during school and the transition periods between classes and observe the movement of students in the schoolyard and in toilets, especially during ablution and during the practice of student activity of various kinds.

3. Prohibition of the use of corporal punishment by all school workers in dealing with students and promote the concept of a good example and a good word.

4. To enlighten parents about the methods of caring for children and the appropriate pedagogical methods to reduce their occurrence in behavioral problems and introduce them to the dangers of abuse and neglect of children through special school or general guidance meetings, pamphlets, pamphlets and letters of guidance.

5. Define the school community in general, students need to be educated based on understanding, dialogue and guidance between the teacher and the student, thus enhancing the relationship between them

6. Educating families and teachers about the nature of protecting students from falling into some disasters, such as burns, avoiding flammable devices (such as gas and electricity burners), slips and falling from high places and avoiding intimidation, threats and mockery in all their forms.

7. To benefit from student activity in all its aspects and to encourage all students to practice it and to set up some scenes in the school theater to show the seriousness of the victim and the consequent problems.

8. Urge parents to inform the student guide immediately and quickly when symptoms of abuse appear in the son to identify the source and treatment.

9. Spread a culture of dialogue among students and train them to solve their problems with others through dialogue and understanding of the viewpoint without resorting to violence and instill confidence in themselves and enhance self-esteem towards the situations they face.

10. Work on hold training workshops for parents of students with the skills of dealing with children and accept them as well as how to control their emotions in cooperation with the centers of neighborhoods.

11. Raising awareness about the importance of protecting children from abuse by preachers of mosques.

12. Increase the awareness of students and employees of the school with their educational responsibilities contained in the rules of organization of conduct and attendance.

13. Make use of the list of problems in the detection of cases of abuse.

14. Exploitation of the school radio in directing words about the phenomenon of abuse and its dangers and methods of prevention.

15. Exploiting art education classes in directing children to express the manifestations of victimization from their point of view and discussing them by the student guide to learn about their abuse experiences.

16. Activate the preventive aspect contained in the rules of organization of conduct and attendance through the school's responsibilities to prevent the occurrence of behavioral violations, as well as informing students and urged them to carry out their responsibilities towards the school community and the school system in general.

(Therapeutic side):

1. Exploring and limiting the cases of abuse and abuse discovered by school staff, parents or students themselves and dealing with each case individually by the school's student advisor.

2. Studying the cases of abuse of students transferred to the student advisor to deal with them in educational methods after identifying the factors causing abuse or neglect and hold the responsibility of what is happening to those who cause it, whether teachers or parents or colleagues or peers inside or outside the school.

3. To maintain the confidentiality of information regarding cases of victimization and abuse directed against students in light of the provisions of the ethical code of the profession of guidance and guidance.

4. Taking into account the vulnerability of students and attention to them from teachers and the student guide and mitigate the effects of the abuse with educational programs that restore confidence to the student himself.

5. Activate the role of the suggestions found in the school and pay attention to the observations or complaints, especially regarding the subject of abuse.

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