مدارس الفرسان العالمية | Al Forsan International Schools
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Mr. Abdulhameed Elsayd

Educational Alternatives to Corporal Punishment

The concept of educational alternatives to corporal punishment: A set of educational methods that are studied and safe and used by educators, parents, and teachers, aimed at acquiring desired behaviors and ending undesirable behavior in the child without the use of corporal punishment.

Some effects of corporal punishment:

✓ Physical punishment of the child generates hatred towards the educator and turns it into a relationship of fear.

✓ Increases aggressiveness in children and eliminates dialogue and discussion between adults and young ones thus wasting opportunities for understanding.

✓ Physical punishment distancing the child from learning life skills such as "self-understanding - trust - ambition - success".

✓ Reinforces the motives of external behavior at the expense of internal motivation- very important for good psychological health and religious practice

✓ Corporal punishment drives the child to dare to educate the educator and declare his violation and being insistent on the error.

✓ Studies confirm that cruelty and severe punishment leave psychological effects and injuries that may be difficult to recover at times, including poor self-esteem, low self-esteem, shyness, chronic depression, general anxiety, and a number of psychosomatic disorders.

✓ Perhaps the most serious of these effects are the anti-social personality disorders of varying degrees of severity and deviant behavior

Basic rules in dealing with the child to modify his unwanted behavior:

✓ The child has a need for love, respect, praise, and acceptance as well as his need to discipline.

✓ Clear and consistent laws and regulations must be established in dealing with children within the school (code of conduct and attendance).

✓ The availability of knowledge building for teachers and parents in the knowledge of the growth characteristics of the child's age range and dealing with it.

✓ The availability of building skills and includes methods and skills to deal with the child and modify the behavior.

✓ Adoption of pedagogical foundations to teach the child the desired behavior and the goal is not only harm and pain.

✓ Understanding the real reasons for child's behavior, knowing the cause of the behavior contributes to its interpretation and dealing with it.

✓ Maintain a positive relationship between the child and the educator, with the child's notice that his behavior is rejected and not the child himself.

✓ That the method does not deprive the student of basic needs such as eating, drinking, and bathing.

Discipline skills:

✓ Use the positive guidance associated with what you want from the child, and satisfy his need for praise, acceptance, love, and tranquility

✓ Prepare yourself for expectations and be prepared to deal with negative problems and behaviors

✓ Be a cheerful fan of the pros and cons and be firm without violence and gentle without complacency.

✓ Do not give superficial explanations ready for the child's behavior and do not scream or ridicule him.

Alternatives to corporal punishment:

✓ Avoid anger, with good advice, counseling, and guidance.

✓ Prevent reward with mention of reason, such as depriving him of his favorite activity or playing for a temporary period.

✓ Show dissatisfaction and discomfort with undesirable behavior with a sharp look that implies hinting, blaming and blasphemy.

✓ Explanation of error and patience on him, and it is wrong to speed up the punishment such as (getting him out of the period, renunciation and negligence without follow-up, gives him more duty, reduced the degree of exam, ridicule and insult and mockery of the defect of him, insults and bad words to him, and group punishment).

✓ Praise others (the students of a good behavior) in front of him using the words beloved such as Hero. Excellent. Well. With the goal of arousing jealousy

✓ Remove causative agents, such as closing the window or changing its position.

✓ Temporarily ignoring the reason, as well as the exclusion from positive reinforcement temporarily, until the killing of his bad behavior such as moving the child from his place and return after the calm.

✓ Intimidation and threats, such as notification of his parent, record the violation in the Classera, and if necessary sending him to the Assist. Principal.

✓ Assignment of more work in the classroom, as an assistant to the teacher to raise his feeling by his personality because most of the students who had bad behavior, they try to draw attention.

✓ The availability of activities, competitions, sports education, and dumps.

✓ Provide a calm and family environment of the school and strengthen the relationship between home and school.

✓ Notify the parent usually of all of his child's offenses with documentation.

✓ Use honor board for excellent students.

✓ Developing the teacher's ability to interact with his profession and know that he does with God, for his community, his homeland and his nation

Some strategies to modify the behavior:

1. Positive reinforcement strategy: A process in which the consequences of behavior increase the likelihood of future recurrence in similar situations. One of the main forms of positive reinforcement within the classroom is the student's attention and praise when he improves his behavior. Positive reinforcement may be to listen to an aggressive student, to provide him free time, to enjoy activities, or to praise the student verbally. ..) When committed to sitting on the seat during the class also includes positive reinforcement to the certificates of good behavior in the school.

2. Modeling: Modeling is one of the most successful methods used by observing the performance of appropriate models. For example, a student can be provided with the ability to defend his rights without becoming an aggressive person. By presenting the behavior of "self-affirmation" by a student and then encouraging the instructor to perform the role of the model (student)

3. Behavioral Contract: A written agreement clarifying the relationship between the task the student will perform and the reward he will receive as a result. The behavioral contract includes the identification of the person to perform the task, the tasks to be performed, the time period in which the student must perform the task and the terms of acceptance of the performance, and then determine the reward that the student will receive for the job.

4 –Ignore: Behavior that strengthens will strengthen, the behavior that does not strengthen weaken and may stop after a certain period of time. For example, a teacher asks students in his class a specific question. One of the students is waving his hand and saying, "I am a teacher, I know." The teacher does not ask the student to answer the question to subject the student's behavior to fire.

5. Exclusion from positive reinforcement: Denial of student access to reinforcement (student wrapping, smiling or laughing) in the event of unacceptable behavior, which is to be reduced. For example, the student has removed from his place away from the activities in the classroom after performing an anarchic behavior. He is then asked to monitor the appropriate behavior of the other students and after ascertaining that the student understands the appropriate behavior he is allowed to return to practice and return to his seat.

6 - Class matches: The teacher divides the class into two or more groups and determines the type of desired behavior (EX: class clean) and the team that maintains it receives a reward.

7- Role-playing (Psychodrama): Correct the student's behavior and train him to the necessary skills through the practice of playing the role. The role-playing method can be used to train the student to control the anger. This is done by fabricating situations of anger and then instructs the student to show an appropriate response to self-control and confidence.

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Jul 17

I think this is the best article I have ever come across lately. Indeed, punishments work much worse than positive stimulation. This is why I decided to send my kids to rawafedschool.com because unlike our local schools here, they follow a far better educational methodology, so I see a greater potential for my kids there.


Sep 26, 2022



Sep 14, 2022



Jul 27, 2022



Jul 26, 2022


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